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Mafaldine is a 2u B-format module that fits 34hp of eurorack modules. The panel is made of a hardened aluminum and the eurorack holes are tapped so your modules screw right in. 


The module provides power for 8x eurorack modules and requires that your B-format case has 12V and 5V power. The module can provide up to 940mA for the -12V eurorack power rail while the 12V positive and 5V rails are limited by your B-format case. 


The module has 2x sets of the following active and buffered voltage converters: 

B to E CV: banana in and eurorack out. A switch to subtract 5V to make it bipolar and a switch to scale by 1/2 or 1/1.2 so you can go from 1.2V/oct to 1V/oct. There is a trimpot on the back to perfectly calibrate the scaling and you can adjust it to whatever you want should 1V/oct be too boring for you. 

E to B CV: eurorack in and banana out with a switch to add 5V to make it unipolar and a switch to scale by 2x and 1.2x so you can go from 1v/oct to 1.2V/oct. There is a trimpot on the back to perfectly calibrate the scaling.

B to E Gates: Banana in and 2x eurorack outs. If the banana gate is made with a 10V trigger followed by a 5V gate, those two signals will be split up. The trigger output has a 10ms width and is adjustable with a trim pot. The trigger levels are also adjustable with a trim pot. 

E to B Gates: Trigger and gate eurorack in to form a banana out that has a 10V spike for the trigger and 5V gate for the gate. If the trigger input lasts longer than 10ms, it becomes a 5V gate. Trim pots to adjust trigger levels. 


There are also 4x PASSIVE converters on either side; one for banana to euro and one for tinijax to euro. While these are passive at the moment, provisions have been left open so they can be active should demand desire it. If that happens, pre-existing units can be retrofitted with the active converters. 


Befaco bananuts will be used on all the eurorack jacks to color-code them according to B format expectations. 


All SMD parts on the PCBs are assembled by machine and tested. 




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